About the Track
- Added on 26 July 2019
- Description
It’s time to walk on your own. It’s time to heal.
Humans are social beings. We only thrived as a species because we organised ourselves in groups. We need human interactions for our own sanity. We need to be part of a community. Living in a community means that we have some rules to obey, otherwise it would be chaos. But there is a limit between what we are supposed to simply follow and what we should decide on our own.
Getting to know ourselves is essential to our human nature. Learning to listen to our own needs, learning to express ourselves, to respect our limitations and to understand our emotions helps us to live a better life with ourselves and among others. The beauty of humans is that we have many shades inside of us. We are creative beings. Unfortunately, most of our colors get suppressed. We become a greyer version of ourselves, one that seems to blend better with the surroundings.
Follow the light is about thinking how much the big cities can be overwhelming. We are moving so far away from nature that we don’t see the big picture anymore. We cover everything with concrete and we get caught in the routine following a life model that doesn’t necessarily fit our inner beliefs.
We suffocate our emotions and we don’t pay attention to our own thoughts. We surround ourselves with noise and activity so we don’t have to face our fears or to think for ourselves. We just follow what people have decided before us, we don’t question. When you do question things, people feel uncomfortable. They don’t want the order to be disturbed, they don’t want to have to act, to change. Every significant change happens after a turbulent period and not many people are willing to go through that. But turbulence is inevitable. From time to time society shakes off its old habits until they crack and give space to the new. From time to time we should do the same.
- Nathaje
LyricsFollow the light
(Nathaje)Grey streets grey dreams of colorful people
Sound mask white noise can’t hear what’s inside
Strangers too close
Squeezed in steps among the crowdDon’t disrupt the peace
Don’t you dare
Don’t disrupt the peaceI tried to go my own path but I
Feel pushed to come back and fit into the pattern
Just follow the lightI tried to go my own path but I
Feel pushed to come back and fit into the patternNo need to fight
Just follow the lightConcrete, conquering the peace of our people
Car smoke, jammed thoughts, can’t hear what’s inside
No trees no earth
Squinting hard to clear the cloudsDon’t disrupt the peace
Don’t you dare
Don’t disrupt the peaceWhen did we give away Our freedom
When did we give away our minds
What is the price we pay for sanity
Why do we feel ashamed of our own pride - Album Heal
- Year of creation 2019
- Director Junior Carelli
- 50 plays
Foggy Filmes
Director: Junior Carelli
Editors: Junior Carelli, Rudge Campos
Makeup artist: Niandra Costa
Martin Riesen
Niandra Carelli
Mark Salib
Filmed in Zug, Switzerland
bar: Fischerstube (https://fischerstube.ch)
song title: Follow the light
artist: Nathaje
ISRC: BR-NTK-19-00006
Lyrics: Nathaje
Music: Nathaje, Junior Carelli
Music Production: Junior Carelli
Vocal coach: Wagner Barbosa
Recording Engineer: Thiago Lima Diatroptoff
Mixing And Mastering Engineer: Rob Katz
Nathaje: vocals
Junior Carelli: arrangement, keyboard, electronic base
Caio Andreatta: electric guitar
Dinho Milano: drums
Bruno Ladislau: bass
Album: Heal
Music recorded at Baeta studios in São Bernardo dos Campos, SP, Brazil in February 2018. Mixed and mastered by Rob Katz in the Studio at the Palms, Las Vegas, NV, USA, in 2019.
(C) 2019 Nathaje

Born in Brazil though now based in Switzerland, Nathaje is not afraid to explore subjects that many still feel uncomfortable talking about: depression, anxiety and grief, as well as lighter topics...