Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 5 Oktober 2019
- Erstellungsjahr 2014
- Regie (Video) Philip J. Poole
- Tags rock
- 53 Plays
Original Artwork Laura Reber
Vocals Oliver Poole
Drums Nic Burrows
Overdrive guitar Chris Smith
Drum recording Chris Smith
Camera Benjamin Poole
Everything else Retro-Phil
This song started life in a jam session in the late 1970’s. The idea being about an alien race somewhere who could show us how to live creative lives without hurting others - setting us free! I have always wanted to record this song. I know it is simple and probably a little naive but that’s why I like it. The video artwork was developed by Laura Reber and added to by Retro-Phil.
Ich bin in Kidderminster und Umgebung in Großbritannien aufgewachsen und bin in den 80er Jahren in die Schweiz ausgewandert. Ich begann als Teenager in den 70er Jahren Gitarre zu spielen und wurde...