Moonshaped live @ Limmazona/Konkret Festival, 2019

757 plays —
, 2020
About the Track
- Added on 14 January 2020
- Description
Moonshaped live am Limmazona Festival (13/9/2019) und Konkret Festival (29/6/2019)
(Audio: Limmazona Video: Limmazona und Konkret)30 Minuten Live-Performance gekürzt auf 10 Minuten, ungeschnittene Vollversion auf Vimeo:
https://vimeo.com/382686071[00:05] Agathe
[02:29] Hero
[03:45] Into it
[06:03] Sista
[08:14] Drive my Body - Year of creation 2020
- Director Moonshaped
- Tags dance music, dance, party, show, concert, live music, live, band, 4-to-the-floor, edm, electro
- 757 plays
Credits and thanks
Dank an alle Mondtänzer und MontänzerInnen - schön, dass ihr da wart :)

37 tracks
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