About this Track
- Added on 18 August 2020
- Description
Benannt nach James Brown's regelmässiger Erwähnung von "Mashed Potatoes", einem Tanz der nicht zuletzt Dank seinem Beitrag an Popularität gewann, fordert dieser Deep House Track heraus, wer einfach still sitzen möchte. Tuplain's neuste Veröffentlichung verknüpft Funk, Jazz, und Soul welche letztlich Brown's eigenem Bläsersatz, The JB Horns, Tribut zollen.
Named after James Brown's frequent reference to "Mashed Potatoes", a dance move he helped to popularize, this Deep House track challenges everybody who wants to sit still. Tuplain's latest release weaves in threads of funk, jazz, and soul, that ultimately pays tribute to James Brown's very own horn section, The JB Horns.
- Album Mashed Potatoes
- Year of creation 2020
- Label AriesOne Records
- Director Tuplain
- Tags jazz house, funky house, deep house
- 25 plays
Gergo Bille on Trumpet

Tuplain's musical passions are deep-rooted and far-ranging. Introduced to the piano at an early age and playing the trumpet first in a youth orchestra and later in a funk and soul band, the Swiss...