Deep Reality Ft. Joe Funktastic original mix

75 plays —
, 2014
About the Track
- Added on 25 November 2014
- Description
Touche Deep House from Boston avec la collaboration de Mr. Joe Funktastic pour ce titre Deep Reality signé par le label Tainted Buddah Records Spain écoute commente et partage.
Présent sur la liste SUISA. - Year of creation 2014
- Director React2mens
- 75 plays
Credits and thanks
written by Joe Funktastic , composed by B-Wheel Beck Massimo & Rom Mc Grey Romain Roueche.

43 tracks
Massimo Beck is an enthusiastic DJ. The object of his passion? The music and a high-tech mixer that he masters
In Courtelary, Massimo Beck, aka DJ B-Wheel, takes music as life: with both...
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