PK-Project - life is just to be - Mx3.ch

life is just to be

91 plays
10 morceaux

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Ajouté le 16 avril 2008

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Life hymn
Life is a gift for every day
Life is a mystery
Life is full of challenges
Which we have to face
Life comes life goes
Just as the seasons change
Life is a journey through the time
Where people travel pass

We stand up and lay down
We go when its time to leave
trying to be so good as we can
trying to stay not to run

Life is all about time
we’re waiting for someone
Life can be so beautiful
I’m afraid not for everyone
Life is like a market place
Where people sell and buy
Life is up and life is down
life is all around

We stand up and lay down
We go when its time to leave
trying to be so good as we can
trying to stay not to run
Life is all about you
Life is just to be

PK 15.4.2008

91 plays