About the Track
- Added on 16 December 2021
- Description
Stiamo passando momenti difficili e siamo anche un po’ stufi di dircelo, non si vede una fine ma sempre più divisioni fra la gente. Per questo Natale ancora incerto, vorrei regalarvi un momento di gioia e spensieratezza con l’augurio che possiate passarlo accanto alle persone più care.
Una canzone di Natale composta fra il calore e la leggerezza dell’estate, che sembra averle trasmesso il desiderio di stare insieme e cantare.Presentation
We are going through difficult times and we are also a bit tired of telling ourselves, we do not see an end but more and more divisions among people. For this Christmas still uncertain, I would like to give you a moment of joy and light-heartedness with the hope that you can spend it next to your dearest people.
A Christmas song composed in the warmth and lightness of summer, which seems to have passed the desire to be together and sing. - Year of creation 2021
- Label Globerockker SA
- Director Gianni Lo Giudice (Parentesi Agency Sagl)
- Tags noel, weihnachtslied, weihnacht, natale, christmas song, christmas
- 231 plays
Director: Gianni Lo Giudice
Assistant: Ersilia Giliberti
Video Production: Parentesi Agency Sagl
Christmas Tree / Stand by Me)
(Alice Mondia / Vincenzo Giacalone)
Produced by Pietro Foresti
Executive Production: Globerockker SA
Publish: Globerockker SA
Arranged by Vincenzo "Jack" Giacalone
Recording, Mix & Mastering Vincenzo "Jack" Giacalone
Management: Globerockker SA e Pietro Foresti
Special thanks to
Anna Alaimo
Technical support: Nicola Borrelli

Alice Mondìa is a young interpreter and author with both nationalities nationality Swiss and German
living in Ticino in southern Switzerland. A versatile artist, she speaks English, German, French...