Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 16 Juni 2009
- Album Keep the Devil Out of Hillsboro
- Erstellungsjahr 2009
- Label Phénix Records
- Tags pop, songwriting, folk
- 2457 Plays
- 5 Plays gestern
Vocals and songs by Michael Frei
Recorded, edited, mixed and produced by Chris Diggelmann
String / Woodwind / Brass Arrangements by Fabrizio Di Donato, who also conducted the Quartets
Recorded at Gamma recording, Untersiggenthal, Switzerland, with the Assistance of Beat Gruber & Dominik Kessler
String Quartet recorded at Gamma Recording, Untersiggenthal, Switzerland
Woodwind / Brass Quartet recorded at the Music Room, Gymnase de Chamblandes, Pully, Switzerland
Mixed at Mazzive Sound, Nidau, Switzerland
Mastered by Julien Grandjean, somewhere in Vevey, Switzerland
The Players:
Fabrizio Di Donato: piano, plucked piano, Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Mellotron, organ, glockenspiel, backing vocals
Julien Feltin: electric and acoustic guitars, banjo, dobro
Patrice Moret: acoustic bass, bowed bass
Maxime Zampieri: drums, percussion
Jacques Bevilacqua: electric and slide guitars, dobro
Gérald Rochat: accordion, hang
Frédéric Merk: keyboards
Isabel Neligan: first violin
Elisabeth Harringer: second violin
Ursula Sarnthein: viola
Xavier Pignat: cello
Denis Corboz: trumpet
Andrea Esperti: trombone
Rachel Pasche-Gabioud: french horn
Jean-Samuel Racine: bass clarinet
Beat Gruber: additionnal vocals on Blink
Michael Frei: piano on The North Sea
Maxime Zampieri: cymbals, sonor drums on Sabian
Photography: Pierre-Edouard Monnier
Cover Design: Jean-Marc Adler
Hemlock Smith est le projet du chanteur, auteur et compositeur lausannois Michael Frei. Depuis 2002, entouré d’un collectif à effectif variable, il a enflammé Paléo, joué à Label Suisse, Metropop...