The Swiss Music Portal - Mx3.ch

François Vé updated the biography

  • Né au bord du lac Léman, François Vé a grandi dans un univers musical et campagnard. Il est l’auteur de six albums dont le premier, “La saison des trèfles“ (2003), écrit sur son balcon lausannois a reçu le prix “Charles Cros“. Il est suivi quatre ans plus tard par “Le jardin de Frankee“, réflexion sur l’adolescence et ses tourments.

    En 2010, après la sortie d’un livre photos et poèmes “En super 8 “, il part seul avec sa guitare pour une aventure à vélo, en bateau et en train autour du monde. De ce voyage naîtra “La tentation du sel“, un disque tourné vers des mélodies pop folk.

    En 2016 après deux ans d’immersion dans ses racines vaudoises et protestantes, naît “Les douze femmes de Frankee Vee“. Un album plus sombre et plus organique, avec des musiques cinématographiques. Côté arrangements, François Vé confie depuis 2012 ses chansons au musicien et arrangeur Christophe Calpini (Prix suisse de musique 2017).

    En 2019, sortie de l'album "Helvetica", chanté dans les 4 langues nationales. La tournée s'est effectuée en mobilité douce grâce à un vélo cargo solaire, en transportant tout le nécessaire pour jouer des concerts aux 4 coins de la Suisse!

    2022-2023-2024 – Une nouvelle création est arrivée avec un vernissage à la Maison de Quartier Sous-Gare en septembre 2022. «Arbres», le nouvel album de François Vé, est l’aboutissement de quatre mois de vie au Chalet de Pierre dans le Jura vaudois, un alpage à 1551 mètres d’altitude. Cet opus est une envie de faire de la musique autrement, plus simplement. Produit en grande partie grâce au système solaire de son vélo cargo, l’album se retrouve empreint de hauteur, de vaches, de sapins, de calme et de quelques tempêtes. C’est un sentiment de voyage avec ses incertitudes, ses grandes joies et ses moments de solitude qui se cachent derrière douze chansons. Dont trois sont écrites en Bärndütsch, en Rumantsch et en Italien.

    Du 21.02.25 au 31.07.25: tournée francophone en vélo cargo solaire! Suisse – France – Luxembourg – Belgique – France – Suisse

    François Vé a donné de nombreux concerts en Chine, en Pologne, en Hongrie et aux USA ainsi qu’un peu partout dans la francophonie. Il a chanté sur de magnifiques scènes dont le Paléo Festival de Nyon en 2002 et 2004.

    Séverine Gonzalez - cvrin prod


Red Queen updated the biography

  • Wir sind fünf Jungs aus Chur (CH) und senden dir handgemachten Rock-Sound in deine Ohren
    und direkt in dein Herz.
    Seit dem Jahr 2013 konnten wir bereits mit über 70 Auftritten (inkl. grossen Open-Air Bühnen) reichlich Bühnenerfahrung sammeln.
    Marco Senti (Gitarre), Robert Breu (Gesang), Roman Zinsli (Gitarre), Marco Hitz (Schlagzeug)
    und Robert Manetsch (Bass) – wir sind Red Queen.

    Unsere Songs sind unser Tagebuch und der Fussabdruck, den wir auf dieser Erde hinterlassen wollen. Jeder, der uns live erlebt hat, weiss, dass wir grossen Wert auf energiegeladene Shows legen,
    in denen aufgedrehte Amps, wirbelnde Gitarrensoli und Refrains zum Mitsingen dazugehören.
    Das Ende jeder Show markiert eine epische Hymne, die ausnahmslos vom Publikum gesungen wird.

    Mittlerweile sind wir zusätzlich auch noch als Red Queen «Acoustic» unterwegs,
    perfekt für Anlässe im kleineren Rahmen bei denen eine richtige «Bar-Stimmung» herrschen soll.
    Somit bieten wir für kleine sowie grosse Stages ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für alle die einen hohen Wert auf Live-Musik legen.

    See you out there !
    Die Jungs von Red Queen


Soukey updated the biography

  • Die Musikerin Soukey verarbeitet in ihren Texten die breite Palette an Gefühlswelten, derer sie sich als angehende Tween annimmt; mal clubby feiernd, mal melancholisch trauernd, stets untermalt von sphärischen Klangteppichen.

    Ihre Themen: Ausgrenzung, mentale Gesundheit oder der tägliche Kampf einer jungen, queeren BIPoC. Soukey spricht Tabus an, provoziert, öffnet dabei aber auch ihren ganz persönlichen Kosmos – mit stilsicheren Rap-Zeilen auf ebenso stilsicheren Trap-Beats. Mit ihrem Song «Fuck» gewann sie das «Demo of the Year 2022» an der Demotape Clinic sowie die Kategorie Lyrics & Beats.


Smoke Bubbles updated the biography


cvrin updated the biography

  • Séverine Gonzalez, agent artistique pour plusieurs groupes chez CVRIN PROD: Dominique Hunziker | in Trees. | Gerber Noir | François Vé | Emilie Roulet & Michael Frei | The Story of John O'Hara - Cie 5/4 | Hemlock Smith | Gadjo | Floyd Beaumont & The Arkadelphians | Yves Ali Zahno | Climax

    – Programmatrice pour le Tilleul Festival depuis septembre 2023

    – Photographe sur mandat: Concert / Spectacle / Backstage / Session en studio d'enregistrement

    – Création en juillet 2018 d'un magazine musical, Onde Romande, pour mettre en avant les artistes suisses.


cvrinprod updated the biography

  • Séverine Gonzalez, agent artistique pour plusieurs groupes chez CVRIN PROD: Dominique Hunziker | in Trees. | Gerber Noir | François Vé | Emilie Roulet & Michael Frei | The Story of John O'Hara - Cie 5/4 | Hemlock Smith | Gadjo | Floyd Beaumont & The Arkadelphians | Yves Ali Zahno | Climax

    – Programmatrice pour le Tilleul Festival

    – Photographe sur mandat: Concert / Spectacle / Backstage / Session en studio


USUALLY MODEST updated the biography

  • USUALLY MODEST is a upcoming artist born and raised in Switzerland with Ukrainian roots.

    Growing up as a shy small-town boy right by the Zurich Lake, he has started from scratch without any sort of musical background or knowledge. The now 23yr old has taught himself how to write, sing and produce his own songs. From his early days on Soundcloud back in 2017 to his music now being streamed on all platforms across the globe in cities like Los Angeles, Tokyo & Sào Paulo.

    “Music is everything to me and I honestly don’t know where I’d be without it. Music has saved me and gave my life purpose. So, now I want my music to do the same for others: to help and inspire.”

    The lyrics and songs of USUALLY MODEST are all based on real life experiences. From a selfishly mean Punk-Rock influenced record like “Rude” to a “sing-along at the concert” kind of Pop song as “So Am I” is.
    Wether he’s seemingly effortlessly flowing with rhymes or singing his heart out, the young artist has always been very big on his passion and creativity when it comes to doing what he loves most in this world.

    In the time span of the last 3 years, 2 EP’s and a handful of singles have been released along with some music videos which has gained him the attention of a few listeners.
    Over 350’000 streams on Spotify, 50’000 total views on Youtube & various national as well as a few international radio placements, all while being an independent artist.

    What’s next?

    USUALLY MODEST has just released his new single "I'm Happy (Not Really)".


Desert Collider updated the biography

  • Fede (chitarra e voce), Andrea (batteria), Fede (voce) e Manuel (basso) sono le anime che nel marzo 2023 hanno dato vita ai Desert Collider. Cavalcando le onde di radici musicali diverse, i Desert Collider mescolano riff distorti e penetranti, guidati da una potente sezione ritmica, dando vita ad un'esplosione di energia stoner e psichedelia. In poco tempo, la band ha composto più di una decina di brani alcuni dei quali già disponibili come demo, che saranno presto incisi nel loro primo LP.


Electric Sound Disaster updated the biography

  • Bern, Graubünden, Wallis und Solothurn! Und das alles in einer Band vereint!

    Gegründet wurde die Band von Schüpi, Role und Michel im Jahre 2017. Als dann im Februar 2020 Rönu als Bassist in die Band kam war dann die interkantonale Formation komplett.

    Die Band spielt hauptsächlich eigene Songs die nach Geschmack und Gefallen in der Band entstehen. Ergänzt wird das Set noch von ein paar Cover-Songs. Hauptsächlich bewegen wir uns in den Stilen Rock, Punk und Stoner Rock.
    Nebenbei produziert der Bassist noch die Songs .
    Als Band möchten Wir bald «On the Road» sein um die Bühnen zu rocken!


Mono Mochi updated the biography

  • What happens if you lock two teachers, a drummer and a Bavarian jazz pianist in a damp basement?

    What at first glance reads like the beginning of a bad joke describes the founding of the Lucerne indie band Mono Mochi, which must have happened sometime towards the end of the corona pandemic.

    Since their founding in autumn 2022, Mono Mochi, consisting of the brothers Roger (guitar, vocals) and Tino Schaffner (bass), Simon Hafner (drums) and Jacob Sur (guitar, vocals), have been working on an honest, original indie sound, beyond one highly polished pop.

    In a world where dreams and nightmares are closer to each other than ever before, Mono Mochi lets the old analog collide with the new digital one and makes a statement with their music that new is not necessarily better and that in dark walls next to mold and dust can also grow very good music:
    Sweet analog indie sounds that are reminiscent of a melange of greats like Mac DeMarco, Men I Trust and Tame Impala.
    Raw, honest songs with edges that scream for the feeling of freedom of a summer road trip, don't take themselves too seriously and make growing up in this impression-saturated world a little easier.

    Their first single “Wild Thyme” will be released digitally on March 15, 2024.
    The first album “Oh Elsa!” will be released on all platforms and vinyl on May 31st.


morsch updated the biography

  • no return
    (Google translate mit Ergänzungen)
    Three elder small-town boys with some growth rings (at least around their eyes;-) and instruments that sometimes creaks and bitches, in other words, a little rotten, have formed a trio of rhythm machine with percussion, bass guitar and keyboard instruments since autumn 2021. In german we are called, „morsch“
    Behind them are Gabriel Gmür, Andreas Penkov and Frank Will as established and ambitious artists and musicians residing in the city of Schaffhausen (CH).
    Schaffhausen is geographically located on the northern edge of Switzerland and is (as is well known) "an illusion, if you turn around it's gone". This is a quote from lyrics and one of our musical reference and starting points from the much appreciated "GUZ" aka Oliver Maurmann (another small town boy), who unfortunately died much too early. The song "sensibel" intersects two texts by Maurmann and reinterprets them musically. “there is no return”, the eponymous opener tells of everyday dissonances and impending dystopias, which do not mean retreat, but departure. Our answer: "we say yes to the modern world" and bow to a favorite song by F.S.K from munich and thank Thomas Meinecke for using the text. "(you made me ) sick" is our walk of hate against all the influencers' noses, in other words, shitty self-optimization capitalism, but that just doesn't swing that well as a line of text. "lonely" is inspired by the lyrics of "hüsker du song xy". "I'm sick" is our bouncer, lyrically it can be understood as covid-19 blues. Musically, the recording is a first-take piece, which characterizes the previous working method, which was determined by joint improvisation. The starting point can be a rhythm or a repetitive harmony sequence. Electric bass guitar, e-piano and other sounds and effects form a harmonic framework, which is condensed into an arrangement. Between expectation and distinction, we are happy to release by Ikarusecords, our first six-piece album „no return“, that is only digital available. From autumn 2023 we will be ready for the stage, see below for inquiries.

    Biographical information

    Gabriel Gmür: percussion, programming and control Roland CR 8000, lead vocals
    Andreas Penkov: bass guitar, chorus
    Frank Will: keyboards, saxophone, chorus

    contact for booking and promotion

    Ikarus Records: booking@ikarusrecords.ch


Robby Nogueira updated the biography

  • L'artista svizzero-portoghese Robby Nogueira è pronto a far brillare le onde radiofoniche nazionali con il suo ultimo singolo, "Provocadora", in arrivo il 26 Aprile 2024.
    "Provocadora" è una canzone che racconta la storia di un amore impossibile, intriso di desiderio e speranza.

    Il brano cattura l'essenza di una donna seducente, capace di giocare con le emozioni e alimentare l'eccitazione di un amore proibito.
    La musica estiva, sexy e divertente di questo brano, trasporta gli ascoltatori in un viaggio di passione e desiderio.

    Con influenze musicali che abbracciano la Kizomba e i ritmi latini, il singolo rappresenta una fusione culturale melodica tra italiano, portoghese e spagnolo.
    Prodotta da NT Martin e Robby Nogueira, "Provocadora" è un'esperienza sonora coinvolgente che riflette le radici musicali dell'artista.

    Robby Nogueira, noto per la sua estetica musicale intrisa di passione e ritmo, ha intrapreso un viaggio musicale fin dall'infanzia. Con una formazione presso la Jazz School Luzern in Svizzera, ha portato la sua musica in tour in Germania e Francia negli anni '90, cantando successi musicali dell'epoca per le comunità portoghesi.
    Dopo il successo dei suoi album precedenti come "Está Na Hora" e "Funky Melody", Robby Nogueira ha deciso di dedicarsi alla produzione e composizione musicale. Nel 2021, ha stupito i suoi fan con il singolo "No teu olhar" e nel 2023 con "Eu por ti e tu por mim".
    Con il suo nuovo singolo "Provocadora", Robby Nogueira realizza un sogno a lungo atteso, registrando per la prima volta una canzone in italiano.
    Il videoclip del brano è stato girato in Portogallo, aggiungendo un tocco visivo allo spirito vibrante della canzone.

    "Provocadora" promette di essere un successo radiofonico, invitando gli ascoltatori a immergersi nell'atmosfera sensuale e coinvolgente creata da Robby Nogueira. Il singolo è già disponibile sulle principali piattaforme di vendita digitale e di streaming.


Music Business 360° updated the biography

  • !! Music Business 360° Crash Course !!

    Do you dream of starting your career in the music business as a manager or artist? Or maybe you want to learn the basics of the music industry as a newcomer?

    The two-day Music Business 360° Crash Course offers the ultimate opportunity to gain a deep insight into the music industry and to make contact with professionals in the scene.

    When? May 10 and 11, 2024
    Where? SQUARE – University of St. Gallen (HSG)
    Who? The course is organized by the Music Managers Forum (MMFSuisse) and Amplify, the association for concerts and cultural events at the University of St. Gallen.

    Are you ready to take your career in the music business to a new level?
    Then buy your ticket now!

    TICKETS: https://eventfrog.ch/de/p/fuehrungen-vortraege/vortrag/music-business-360-7179094562329035920.html

    If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email. (musicbusiness360.ch@gmail.com)


Toshka updated the biography

  • Toshka Bio

    Toshka (Teodora) has had a remarkable journey in the world of music, starting from a young age and evolving into a talented DJ and producer. Her musical influences are diverse and have played a crucial role in shaping her unique sound. Here's a brief overview of her musical journey:
    Early Exposure to Music: Toshka's passion for music began at a young age. She was exposed to various genres, including classical music through her grandmother, disco music from the 70s that she heard daily, and her mother's love for The Beatles. These early influences provided her with a rich musical foundation.

    Introduction to Electronic Music: In the 1980s, the emergence of electronic music, with its synthesizers and innovative sounds, captivated Toshka. She found herself drawn to this new world of music.

    Professional Dancing in the 90s: During the 1990s, Toshka worked as a professional dancer in internationally renowned clubs. Her high-energy performances left a lasting impression on the dance scene.

    Transition to DJing: In 1999, Toshka decided to take her first steps as a DJ, primarily using vinyl records. She explored various electronic music genres such as deep house, progressive, techno, and dubby techno. Her DJ career took her to clubs and events across Europe, where she acquired new and unique music for her vinyl collection.

    Musical Openness: Toshka has a broad musical openness and enjoys experimenting with various genres, including electronic, downtempo, organic, afro, melodic progressive, mental electronic, melodic techno, and minimal. She can adapt her music to suit the atmosphere, offering a professional and unique sound.

    The "Everything Counts" Project: In 2018, Toshka launched the "Everything Counts" project in her home studio. Over the following years, this project released highly regarded music on notable labels and even received recognition from DJs like Dj Ravin for the Budha Bar label.

    Radio and Podcast Appearances: Toshka has been featured on various radio programs and podcasts, including Rete 3 (Italian Swiss FM), Tantra Radio Ibiza, and Ibiza Global Radio. She currently hosts her own show on Pure Ibiza Radio official (Music Vibe by Toshka, Sunday 7pm) and Pure Ibiza Radio/Dubai at 12 pm (Dubai time), showcasing carefully selected music and creating captivating sets.

    Toshka's musical journey is a testament to her dedication and passion for electronic music, and her ability to adapt and experiment with different styles has made her a respected figure in the industry. Her future endeavors promise to further enrich her musical legacy.


St. SBB-B updated the biography

  • Wer braucht schon gepolsterte Sitze, ein Familienabteil oder Klapptische? St. SBB-B hat nur eine Klasse: Die Tanzklasse.

    Das Streckennetz erschliesst die unendlichen Weiten des Grooves und bringt Tanzwillige an ihr Ziel. Dank dem überaus spontanen, aber dennoch wohl getakteten Fahrplan (auch an Wochenenden) sind Anschlussverbindungen jederzeit gewährleistet und eine flüssige Reise garantiert. Alle Linien, inklusive Single-Note, sind im General-Abonnement enthalten.*

    An Board von St. SBB-B stets dabei sind Zugführer Noah Studer (drs) und seine ausserordentlich charmante Crew: Isabella Bleisch (as), Maurice Storrer (ts), Kieran Brot (git) und Jonas Bucheli (eb). Mit geschwungenem Tanzbein und persönlichen Noten sorgen sie für das Wohl der Passagiere.

    Debut EP im Herbst 2024


Far Coast updated the biography

  • Far Coast is the solo project of Ueli Dutka, a member of the band Dawns Mystery. Drawing inspiration from a variety of genres, including disco, psychedelia, and rock, Far Coast resourcefully navigates unexplored musical territories and delves into the ethereal realm of untapped grooves. Fuzzy guitar riffs and analogue synthesizers are carried by groovy beats that dive into dreamy melodies.

    ‘Outside’ was Far Coast's debut album and is a collection and concentration of musical ideas and images. It bears a lo-fi character, driven by the inspiration of surf rock, garage and psychedelic pop. Moving more towards 80s disco-pop, ‘Falling in Love’ still echoes in our minds. Since that single from 2020, Far Coast have been exploring new sonic paths. Dutka, the mastermind behind Far Coast, has leveraged the unprecedented circumstances of the pandemic to flourish as a producer, collaborating with talented bands as Dawns Mystery or Bleached Blond Beach Babes.

    With recent releases like 'Perpetual Change' and 'Never been the Person', Far Coast delivers a nostalgic wake-up call while embracing a future full of possibilities. The sun-soaked melodies encapsulate a sense of renewal, radiating enduring warmth. Moreover, Dutka's creative tenacity and inspiration culminate in a fresh record that celebrates his pursuit of musical innovation. The new music invites listeners to partake in an unbridled passion and evolution of a musician and producer unafraid to embrace the ever-shifting currents of his musical exploration, all while remaining authentic to himself.


Eileen Alister updated the biography

  • Zurich, January 24, 2023

    Eileen is a 21-year-old aspiring singer and songwriter from Zurich. With her debut singles, collaboration with Benjamin Amaru on the song "I want…," and the house collaboration "Voices" with producers Ddp and Lii, which has already been streamed over 2.5 million times, Eileen has gained initial attention in the music world. Now, she has found her own style, and with her new projects in the genres of Pop/Dark-Pop/Alt-Pop and Dreamy-Indie, she aims to take the music world by storm.

    According to those around her, Eileen has been singing since she could talk. At the age of 13, she started YouNow streams and YouTube videos where she sang song covers. Her passion for songwriting and poetry also developed at a young age, with her writing her first song at the age of 10. Her cover of Billie Eilish's "When the party’s over" caught the attention of Physical Shock label owner, Ddp, who eventually signed Eileen. In 2020, Eileen released her first song "Sapphire Blue" through the music label. In May 2023, she met the producer and singer "ZID." With ZID's help, Eileen rediscovered her sound and produced her upcoming EP with him. Currently, Eileen is working independently without a label.

    She now writes songs about honest feelings, heartache, love, fears of loss, and personal problems she faces. With her honest and emotional lyrics, she aims to help others and be a voice for those who don't have one. Through her music, she wants to connect and be for others what music is for her. Music is Eileen's way of processing and healing, and she wants to share that with others.

    The newcomer seems to express herself through her songs successfully. Since mid-2023, she has been writing and co-writing music for other artists as well.

    Listening to Eileen's music, it's easy to recognize various inspirations. She grew up with the music of Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and Johnny Cash. Her childhood was filled with music of all genres; it was never quiet. She wants to integrate elements from that time into her music, creating a diverse mix of traditional and modern elements.

    With catchy melodies, profound lyrics, and genuine emotions, Eileen has high ambitions. It's clear: Switzerland is not the limit for Eileen; she wants more. With a lot of ambition, dedication, new music, and authentic projects, Eileen is ready for her breakthrough.

    Social Media:
    • Spotify : Eileen Alister
    • Instagram : @eileenalister
    • TikTok : @eileenalister


Chip Deva updated the biography

  • Language is a just a construct. Sound is what matters. If we vibe, we vibe <3


Goodmorning Starship updated the biography

  • Ende 2018 startete das Raumschiff zu seinem ersten Flug in ungewisse und turbulente musikalische Galaxien. An Bord befanden sich Stefan (Bass) und Magdalena (Keys), welche sich sehnlichst eine Vergrösserung ihrer bescheidenen Crew wünschten. Im Verlaufe des 2019 stiess Jasmine (Vocals) dazu und führte Goodmorning Starship, zusammen mit Gitarre und Drums, in neue musikalische Sphären. Nach einem Crew-Wechsel Anfang 2023, fand sich auch das letzte Spacemonkey, Marcel (Drums), auf dem Raumschiff ein und komplettierte den Goodmorning Starship-Sound mit seinen magischen Trommeln. Seither dreht das Raumschiff weiter seine Runden und wir sind gespannt, wo es als nächstes landen wird…


Navree Affaire updated the biography

  • Navree Affaire è un progetto musicale che nasce nell'estate del 2016 dall'incontro tra Paolo Gianinazzi (basso) e Reto Beretta (chitarra). Nel 2018, dopo tante ore in sala prove, al duo si aggiunge Nico Monterosso (batteria) e la band inizia a comporre brani originali con un'impronta che varia dal Rock al Funk. All'inizio del 2020 la formazione si completa con Giacomo Allocco (voce). Nel corso di quell'anno la band si reca finalmente in studio per realizzare il primo EP "Roots", pubblicato nei primi mesi del 2021.